This Tagging Game

OK, apparently while I've been busy with tax season, two trials coming up at work, adding two rooms and a deck to our house, raising 3 boys and preparing for the arrival of our latest addition due to be born in 6 weeks, I've been TAGGED by two friends and fellow bloggers, and I'm just now getting around to tagging it forward. Wow, am I bad at this or what? And my brain is so fried these days with everything going on that I actually had to print out the rules to this tag game in order to remind me to follow through, and then do it. Please bear with me...the baby isn't even here yet, and I'm already walking around in a daze....

OK, the rules to the tag game are:

Mention the blogger that tagged you and be sure to link to them. I was tagged by Beth at and by Lisa at They are both great moms, great people and great bloggers, so please go check them out!

Next, post your lists of 8s.

Then tag 8 bloggers of your choice and tell them!

OK, here goes, folks:

8 Favorite Foods:

1) Pizza
2) Tacos
3) Fettucine Alfredo, or for that matter, anything Italian
4) Sub sandwiches
4) Eggs, almost any way you can cook 'em
5) Chocolate chip cookies, warm right out of the oven
6) Peanut Butter milkshakes
7) My mom's potatoe salad
8) Grilled cheese sandwich and tomatoe soup

8 Things I'm Looking Forward To

1) The birth of our daughter next month
2) Our vacation starting next Friday
3) Losing 20 more pounds
4) Getting all this [bleeping] work done on the house....FINALLY
5) Getting my hair done next week
6) Finishing my Cherish Bound family projects
7) The birth of our latest grandchild in October
8) Cooler weather in the Fall

8 Things I Did Yesterday

1) Got up EARLY
2) Worked on Cherish Bound
3) Put in full day at office
4) Went to my Weight Watchers meeting
5) Went to Wal-Mart and got the boys their sleeping bags
6) Played "Snaggle-Tooth Loader truck games" with Alex
7) Talked to my mom about her eye surgery today
8) Watched an episode on DVD of Desperate Housewives

8 Things I Want To Do Before I Die

1) Have a HUGE family reunion
2) Vacay in Mexico, Hawaii, Asia, Africa and Italy
3) See my kids all grow up and be happy, healthy, successful, responsible and respectful, and just overall good people
4) Go back to playing piano, violin and clarinet, learn guitar
5) Write a book
6) Travel extensively with my family and expose my kids to as much of the country and the world as I can
7) Start a charitable organization
8) Make sure that everyone I love, knows how much I love them

8 Shows I Watch

1) Desperate Housewives
2) Law and Order
3) Law and Order SVU
4) Jon & Kate Plus 8
5) ER
6) House
7) Anything on HGTV
8) Anything on the Travel Channel

8 Way In Which I Kill Time

1) Read
2) Blog
3) Email
4) Watch TV
Honestly, I just don't have a lot of time to kill....

8 Bloggers...TAG, YOU'RE IT!


Wishing all of you a great day! MUAH!


Unknown said… mentioned in one of your tag 8 items that you want to write a book. What kind of book do you want to write about?

You also mentioned starting a charitable organization...what do you have a passion for that you would like to start a charitable organization?

Just always!
Unknown said…
I think your going to have to make me a peanut butter milkshake ...yum!

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